Should You Invest In A Robotic Vacuum Cleaner?

If there is one chore that most people do not enjoy it is vacuuming. Not only is it time-consuming, but in houses that have extensive floor areas or multiple levels, it can also be exhausting. There is also the challenge of trying to access those hard to reach places like under furniture or in the corners of the room. Thankfully modern technology has provided a solution for those who want a more stress-free vacuuming experience – simply let a robot undertake the task.

Robotic vacuum cleaners have become more and more popular over the years as technology has progressed in leaps and bounds making them more effective. However this effectiveness does come at a price – some of the top of the range robotic vacuum cleaners can be a considerable investment. Is there any sweet spot that exists where the homeowner can justify the investment that they make in a robotic vacuum cleaner Malaysia? Let’s take a closer look at what these technological marvels bring to the party.

Firstly it is important to realize that even the best robotic vacuum cleaners will not match the job that a human being can do – however there are some on the market that have features that make them able to supply a cleaning service that comes close. The level of service that a robotic vacuum cleaner can provide is dependant on a number of factors.

these factors include the sensors that the robotic vacuum cleaners boast, the second is how advanced the remote control is that is supplied with the cleaner, Then there is the battery life and whether or not the vacuum cleaner has algorithms that allow it to return to a base station for recharging and then resume the cleaning process. Then there is the variety of cleaning modes that the robotic vacuum cleaner can supply and its ability to clean a variety of surfaces (as well as transition from one surface to another with no problem). It is also important that the robotic vacuum cleaner is matched with the size of the home. Robotic vacuum cleaners do not have dirtbags that are as large as traditional vacuum cleaners so the homeowner will more than likely have to empty the bag themselves more regularly than would be the case with the classic vacuum cleaner (although it must be said that there are more expensive models currently on the market that are self-emptying).

Some of the best robotic vacuum cleaner in Singapore on the market include the Roomba S9 Plus, but you are going to have to have deep pockets to get your hands on this top of the range robotic vacuum cleaner – prices hover typically around $1,400. However, for this price, you are getting the best of the best. It boasts powerful suction and exceptional cleaning ability and can interface with Alexa or Google Voice Assistant, so you can issue it with voice commands. It empties its dustpan at the docking station as well. Then there is the mid-range Neato Botvac D7 Connected and the value for money Eufy Robovac 11S Max.

Robotic vacuum cleaners can help save the homeowner time and effort – but as with most things technology-related – you getwhat you pay for.

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