Importance Of Regular Aircon Maintenance Service

An effective air conditioning system is an important feature within a property. Not only does a working air conditioner promote a comfortable stay at home, but it also promotes a conducive working environment at the office. Many property owners invest in quality and expensive systems but don’t take it upon themselves to ensure that their units are regularly serviced.

Aircon systems parts are susceptible to regular wear and tear. This wear and tear causes the units to lose 5% of their efficiency every year. A poorly maintained aircon unit consumes more energy in order to function normally. Regular air conditioning helps your unit to run at almost optimum efficiency and serve your property for an extended period.

Pundits recommend that you should have your air conditioner serviced once every year. Read on to find out the importance of regular aircon maintenance servicing and repairs.

It Improves Efficiency

As discussed earlier, an air conditioning unit loses about 5% of its efficiency every year it goes without servicing. An efficiently running aircon unit consumes 20% less power than a poorly maintained air conditioning unit. This means that by failing to have your unit inspected and serviced regularly, you end up incurring high energy bills.

Reduces Emergency Repairs

Poorly maintained ac units are bound to experience numerous and unexpected breakdowns. This is due to the fact that minor damages that you may not easily notice tend to grow into major problems which may require costly repairs. However, by having your unit regularly inspected, minors issues are able to detected early enough and fixed. If there are any parts that have suffered wear and are damaged, they can be repaired or replaced.

Extends The Lifespan Of Your Unit

It is worth noting that failure in some parts of your unit compromises the entire unit and this reduces the lifespan of the unit. Failure to replace malfunctioning parts and repair minor issues leads to extensive and major problems. An aircon that has been in a air con maintenance company can last for 15-18 years and this helps you to get the most value for your money. Investing the small amount needed to schedule annual servicing helps saves on long-term costs.

Improves The Quality of Air

Studies conducted scientists suggest that the amount of pollutants and allergens found in indoor air is 100 times more than that of the outdoor air. These findings are quite worrying, to say the least. Air conditioners help purify the air we breathe in through filters with aircon maintenance service. These filters trap dust and dirt particles.

It is, therefore, essential to ensure that these filters are regularly cleaned and replaced with . Failure to clean and replace these filters causes the trapped pollutants and allergens to find their way back into the air. If there are people who suffer from allergies at your home or workplace, exposure to these elements might cause the conditions to get worse.

There are clearly considerable benefits of having your air conditioning unit regularly serviced and maintained. Not only are there financial gains but you also get to enjoy an efficiently working air conditioner. For more information, you can visit AS aircon facebook.

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